Contact us today

At Sivertsen we are ready to help you with all your needs, so we together can solve your tasks in the best way possible. We take in all types of tasks with a smile - weather you are yourself or a business.

Call us today, for a talk and an free offer, we are ready to serve you with the best counseling for you or your business.

Sivertsen A/S
Københavnsvej 282
4000 Roskilde
T: (+45) 46 75 55 22
CVR: 27 98 55 80

Bankforbindelse: Jyske Bank
Kontonummer: 0696-2324091
IBAN: DK3806960002324091
Working hours
Mon - Thurs: 07.30-16.00
Friday: 09.00-15.00
Saturday: 09.00-12.00 store only
(Closed on saturdays from the 1st of Nov. to the 31st of March.)

Monday-thursday 7.30-16.00
Friday 7.30-12.30

Call us and get help with your tasks today: +45 4675 5522

We are ready by the phone to assist you and give a free quote

Ring +45 46 75 55 22